Project Proposal
“Shaping New Ways to Approach Education in Cambodia”
I. Mission of the Project:
· To build students’ critical thinking and leadership skills that will help them to deal with problems that they face throughout their lives.
· To encourage students to actively and confidently communicate with others in order to help them to come out of the narrow-mind and low self-esteem.
· To motivate students to become creative and resourceful people who are willing to develop their communities and society as a whole.
· To reduce students’ behavior of copying from other students or books, and to inspire them to believe in their own abilities
· To help students to have high morality who can become good citizens in the society
II. Goals of Project
- To transfer our academic knowledge and experiences by running workshops in purposes
Ø To encourage students to have different views on how education can make differences in their lives through introducing the role model of successful people and to inspire students to pursue higher education and visualize possibilities in the outside world
Ø To build students’ confidence in networking and communicating skills through working as a team, sharing stories, making posters and giving presentations.
Ø To create friendly learning environment that can help students to bring out their talents and potentials by encouraging them to fully participate and interact with their group members.
Ø To change students learning habit by encouraging them to read, write and think critically.
Ø To convince students to change their cheating behavior during exam by showing the consequences of cheating through drama performance and discussing session about some of the relevant questions that relate to the topic.
III. Why do we want to do this project?
Do you believe in education? For us, yes we believe in education (need reasons why). Thus, during the last summer we, 8 Cambodian students from Asian University for Women, have conducted surveys and interviews in 4 different places in Cambodia. We have gotten 1111 responses represented as a sample that signifies the whole population of Cambodian students from grade 7, 8 and 9.
After looking at the data, we have seen that about 88% of the students agree that education is important to them. Additionally, about 94% of them are interested in higher education. Students think that education is important and they want to have higher education as approximately 70% of the students say that they need education to better their future. However, here is a puzzle; they do not have any expectations from education. As seen in the figure 1 below that displays students’ expectation from education.
Figure 1.
In addition, the data has shown that most of the Cambodian students have characterized themselves as medium and poor students. In this case, there might be two different interpretations that should be considered. Firstly, from our own understanding as Cambodians, this type of characterization can be stemmed from the culture of being modest because we were taught not to be proud of who we are or what we do. Thus, it might be one of the reasons why we got this type of result.
Secondly, it might be because students get poor quality of education. Hence, it might be true as they have responded in the survey papers.
Figure 2.
Figure 3 indicates that most of the students support copying from each other and some of them think that copying is simple. Through this matter, we analyze that students do not realize that cheating from each other will affect their future. Moreover, we can imply that the education quality is poor.
Figure 3.
Therefore, we would like to conduct three different workshops that relate with creativities, leadership, role model, and plagiarism.
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